>I strongly suggest that people use different variants of dead beef to 
>make it easier to work out where any corruption is coming from. 
>Perhaps change the last 2-3 digits so magic values would be 0xdeadb000 
>to 0xdeadbfff, assuming it does not affect any other code. 

I think it's a nice idea. I program some COM in Windows, and they have 
enumerated the subsystems for use in error codes.

How about a system like 0xdeadXXYY where:

XX = the subsystem number

YY = some error info, each subsystem is free to use this as it wish, maybe it
could be the id of a function, the id of a state etc etc.

In your case, XX is always the ext2fs number, not so exciting perhaps, but
there might be other cases where data is modified by several other subsystems.

Regards, Tommy

Tommy Hallgren([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Tel: +46 (0)733 - 174 201

"Many people equate the word ``daemon'' with the word `demon,' implying some kind of 
Satanic connection between UNIX and the underworld. This is an egregious 
misunderstanding. `Daemon' is actually a much older form of `demon'; daemons have no 
particular bias towards good or evil, but rather serve to help define a person's 
character or personality. The ancient Greeks' concept of a `personal daemon' was 
similar to the modern concept of a `guardian angel'"

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