
Here is a small patch which is needed on non-i386 platforms.

base_addr in ifmap allows one to specify as a kernel boot argument the
base io addr of the net device.  It is currently defined as u_short. 
However, on a non-i386 platforms, this addr can be greater than what
u_short can represent.

ifmap.base_addr is mainly used to initialize net_device base_addr, which
is already a u_long.

This change does not increase the memory size for struct ifmap.

In the same spirit, ifmap.irq should probably be changed to u_int as
well, but that would increase the size, and I don't have the need yet.

diff -Nru linux/include/linux/if.h.orig linux/include/linux/if.h
--- linux/include/linux/if.h.orig       Thu Sep  7 14:20:47 2000
+++ linux/include/linux/if.h    Thu Sep  7 14:24:06 2000
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@
        unsigned long mem_start;
        unsigned long mem_end;
-       unsigned short base_addr; 
+       unsigned long base_addr; 
        unsigned char irq;
        unsigned char dma;
        unsigned char port;
-       /* 3 bytes spare */
+       /* 1 byte spare */
diff -Nru linux/drivers/net/net_init.c.orig linux/drivers/net/net_init.c
--- linux/drivers/net/net_init.c.orig   Thu Sep  7 14:20:55 2000
+++ linux/drivers/net/net_init.c        Thu Sep  7 14:21:41 2000
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
                dev->mem_start = map->mem_start;
        if (map->mem_end != (u_long)(-1))
                dev->mem_end = map->mem_end;
-       if (map->base_addr != (u_short)(-1))
+       if (map->base_addr != (u_long)(-1))
                dev->base_addr = map->base_addr;
        if (map->irq != (u_char)(-1))
                dev->irq = map->irq;

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