On Wed, 6 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If you'd read what I wrote in it's entirety, you'd know that I'm very well
> aware of this perspective.
I read it. I just didn't agree with the level of importance I felt you
were assigning to corporate use.
> I don't need to have the volumes of idiocy
> which come out of some management pointed out to me.
> At the same time my
> entire point was that I think there's some valid business concerns that
> they have /after/ removing all the crap, and that I wouldn't be surprised
> if the market went against linux and in favor of other operating systems
> that addressed them.
They should use what is best for them.
> And if you think I don't understand what Linux wrote you are very wrong.
I think it's obvious you understand what Linus wrote. I think you
misunderstand the design focus of the Linux kernel.
> Perhaps to put a better spin on things what I should state is that I
> understand what Linus is trying to do, and I'm merely pointing out that
> he's really not filling the gap of supplying an IT-friendly open source
> OS.
I don't believe he ever stated that he wanted to do that.
> He's providing an OS for developers. Cool. Fine. No worries. But
It would be more accurately to say that he's creating a GPLed Unix
compatible kernel which utilizes the best (in his unhumble
opinion) available technologies while remaining reasonably compatible. The
strongest development direction appears to be towards long-term
sustainability and stability (vs short term) and a focus on features that
are usable today (vs experimental stuff).
> that does leave a void, in my opinion. Perhaps disributions adding
> patches to the kernel will fill this void, but I tend to think it wont
> scale in the end. We'll either see forking, see another OS like FreeBSD
> fill the void, or (worst case) Solaris.
None of those are necessarily bad things.
I think Linuses design decisions will pay off in the long run. When the
race has no ending line, who cares if you have a slower start.
> I don't know why this viewpoint creates such hostile responses from some
> people. I'm pointing out that Linux is not everything for everyone.
> Heresy.
I certainly hope you didn't see my response as hostile. It certainly wasn't
intended to be that way.
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