Em Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 08:06:21PM +0200, Jes Sorensen escreveu:
> >>>>> "Frank" == Frank Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Frank> Hello all, Anyone wishing to re-audit the drivers/block and
> Frank> drivers/char for locking issues and submit their patches to me
> Frank> directly, feel free. I think if more people comb through the
> Frank> code than myself, patches I missed will be found (100 eyes are
> Frank> better than 2). Once I think I have all the neccessary patches,
> Frank> blessed by the current maintainers, then I'll submit the
> Frank> patches to Linus for a finally blessing for inclusion into
> Frank> 2.4.0. Regards, Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> It would be a lot more useful if you posted incremental patches here
> instead of doing a giant mega patch once you decide it's done.
I completely agree with Jes, I've done one such big patch and it was
rejected, sent dozens of patches and lots have been applied, please send
incremental patches, please.
- Arnaldo
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