Marek Habersack wrote:
> ** On Sep 05, Jeff V. Merkey scribbled:
> > > > Linux is more buggy than NT, but at least the source code comes with it
> > > > so there's no excuse for not getting soeone to fix it ....
> > > Excuse me for adding my irrelevant 0.2$ - but what are you doing with Linux
> > > then?? Why don't you just stick with NT and improve NT? If you want NT
> > > source - you can buy it from M$ and the only point that speaks against NT
> > > (as it seems from reading your words) will vanish - you will have NT
> > > sources, kernel debugger, nifty GUI for all the stuff, trained developers,
> > > nice tech support. Let me ask you once again - why are you sticking with
> > > Linux?
> >
> > I guess you don't know when people are joking.
> Yes, it seems so. So you're telling us that this entire thread is joke on
> your part? If not, then please show me the joke above or, for the future,
> mark your "jokes" somehow in the text so that <joke>dumbsticks</joke> like myself can
> uderstand the jokes. Thank you.
Get off my ass.
> marek
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