Hi folks,

as written earlier, I have several problems at boot time. This is
the output of 'dmesg | ksymoops':

ksymoops 2.3.4 on i586 2.4.0-test8.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test8/ (default)
     -m /boot/System.map-2.4.0-test8 (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information.  I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc.  ksymoops -h explains the options.

Error (regular_file): read_system_map stat /boot/System.map-2.4.0-test8 failed
ds: no socket drivers loaded!
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c8866080
*pde = 012d7063
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c885844d>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010282
eax: c8866080   ebx: c120cd20   ecx: 00000000   edx: 00000000
esi: c1282660   edi: 00000000   ebp: 00000000   esp: c7ce1f08
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process aumix (pid: 65, stackpage=c7ce1000)
Stack: 00000000 c1282660 c7d58c80 c128e6e0 00000000 c1282660 c7d58c80 c128e6e0 
       72616863 6a616d2d 312d726f c1280034 ffffffeb c0128344 c7d58c80 c1282660 
       c1282660 c7d58c80 00000000 c0127659 c7d58c80 c1282660 00000002 0804ddb4 
Call Trace: [<c0128344>] [<c0127659>] [<c0127593>] [<c0127889>] [<c0108d13>] 
Code: 8b 10 85 d2 74 1d 52 e8 cf cc 8b f7 83 c4 04 85 c0 74 14 8b 

>>EIP; c885844d <[soundcore]soundcore_open+49/184>   <=====
Trace; c0128344 <unregister_chrdev+a0/b4>
Trace; c0127659 <dentry_open+bd/150>
Trace; c0127593 <filp_open+43/4c>
Trace; c0127889 <get_unused_fd+19d/234>
Trace; c0108d13 <__rwsem_wake+1077/22cc>
Code;  c885844d <[soundcore]soundcore_open+49/184>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c885844d <[soundcore]soundcore_open+49/184>   <=====
   0:   8b 10                     mov    (%eax),%edx   <=====
Code;  c885844f <[soundcore]soundcore_open+4b/184>
   2:   85 d2                     test   %edx,%edx
Code;  c8858451 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+4d/184>
   4:   74 1d                     je     23 <_EIP+0x23> c8858470 
Code;  c8858453 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+4f/184>
   6:   52                        push   %edx
Code;  c8858454 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+50/184>
   7:   e8 cf cc 8b f7            call   f78bccdb <_EIP+0xf78bccdb> c0115128 
Code;  c8858459 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+55/184>
   c:   83 c4 04                  add    $0x4,%esp
Code;  c885845c <[soundcore]soundcore_open+58/184>
   f:   85 c0                     test   %eax,%eax
Code;  c885845e <[soundcore]soundcore_open+5a/184>
  11:   74 14                     je     27 <_EIP+0x27> c8858474 
Code;  c8858460 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+5c/184>
  13:   8b 00                     mov    (%eax),%eax

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 10244ca1
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0115135>]
EFLAGS: 00010206
eax: 00000001   ebx: c120cd40   ecx: 00000003   edx: 10244c8d
esi: c75ab1a0   edi: 00000003   ebp: 00000003   esp: c7253f00
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process au (pid: 233, stackpage=c7253000)
Stack: c8858459 10244c8d 00000000 c75ab1a0 c777d0c0 c128e6e0 00000000 c75ab1a0 
       c777d0c0 c128e6e0 080495a0 00000001 c72aa920 c7ad1005 ffffffeb c0128344 
       c777d0c0 c75ab1a0 c75ab1a0 c777d0c0 00000000 c0127659 c777d0c0 c75ab1a0 
Call Trace: [<c8858459>] [<c0128344>] [<c0127659>] [<c0127593>] [<c0127889>] 
Code: f6 42 14 02 74 05 31 c0 c3 89 f6 ff 42 10 80 4a 14 18 c3 b8 

>>EIP; c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>   <=====
Trace; c8858459 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+55/184>
Trace; c0128344 <unregister_chrdev+a0/b4>
Trace; c0127659 <dentry_open+bd/150>
Trace; c0127593 <filp_open+43/4c>
Trace; c0127889 <get_unused_fd+19d/234>
Trace; c0108d13 <__rwsem_wake+1077/22cc>
Code;  c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>   <=====
   0:   f6 42 14 02               testb  $0x2,0x14(%edx)   <=====
Code;  c0115139 <try_inc_mod_count+11/109c>
   4:   74 05                     je     b <_EIP+0xb> c0115140 
Code;  c011513b <try_inc_mod_count+13/109c>
   6:   31 c0                     xor    %eax,%eax
Code;  c011513d <try_inc_mod_count+15/109c>
   8:   c3                        ret    
Code;  c011513e <try_inc_mod_count+16/109c>
   9:   89 f6                     mov    %esi,%esi
Code;  c0115140 <try_inc_mod_count+18/109c>
   b:   ff 42 10                  incl   0x10(%edx)
Code;  c0115143 <try_inc_mod_count+1b/109c>
   e:   80 4a 14 18               orb    $0x18,0x14(%edx)
Code;  c0115147 <try_inc_mod_count+1f/109c>
  12:   c3                        ret    
Code;  c0115148 <try_inc_mod_count+20/109c>
  13:   b8 00 00 00 00            mov    $0x0,%eax

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 10244ca1
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<c0115135>]
EFLAGS: 00010206
eax: 00000001   ebx: c120cd40   ecx: 00000003   edx: 10244c8d
esi: c7360900   edi: 00000003   ebp: 00000003   esp: c7225f00
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process rplayd (pid: 244, stackpage=c7225000)
Stack: c8858459 10244c8d 00000000 c7360900 c777d0c0 c128e6e0 00000000 c7360900 
       c777d0c0 c128e6e0 00000001 00000001 c0130dac 0000001d ffffffeb c0128344 
       c777d0c0 c7360900 c7360900 c777d0c0 00000000 c0127659 c777d0c0 c7360900 
Call Trace: [<c8858459>] [<c0130dac>] [<c0128344>] [<c0127659>] [<c0127593>] 
[<c0127889>] [<c0108d13>] 
Code: f6 42 14 02 74 05 31 c0 c3 89 f6 ff 42 10 80 4a 14 18 c3 b8 

>>EIP; c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>   <=====
Trace; c8858459 <[soundcore]soundcore_open+55/184>
Trace; c0130dac <permission+94/f0>
Trace; c0128344 <unregister_chrdev+a0/b4>
Trace; c0127659 <dentry_open+bd/150>
Trace; c0127593 <filp_open+43/4c>
Trace; c0127889 <get_unused_fd+19d/234>
Trace; c0108d13 <__rwsem_wake+1077/22cc>
Code;  c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>
0000000000000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0115135 <try_inc_mod_count+d/109c>   <=====
   0:   f6 42 14 02               testb  $0x2,0x14(%edx)   <=====
Code;  c0115139 <try_inc_mod_count+11/109c>
   4:   74 05                     je     b <_EIP+0xb> c0115140 
Code;  c011513b <try_inc_mod_count+13/109c>
   6:   31 c0                     xor    %eax,%eax
Code;  c011513d <try_inc_mod_count+15/109c>
   8:   c3                        ret    
Code;  c011513e <try_inc_mod_count+16/109c>
   9:   89 f6                     mov    %esi,%esi
Code;  c0115140 <try_inc_mod_count+18/109c>
   b:   ff 42 10                  incl   0x10(%edx)
Code;  c0115143 <try_inc_mod_count+1b/109c>
   e:   80 4a 14 18               orb    $0x18,0x14(%edx)
Code;  c0115147 <try_inc_mod_count+1f/109c>
  12:   c3                        ret    
Code;  c0115148 <try_inc_mod_count+20/109c>
  13:   b8 00 00 00 00            mov    $0x0,%eax

1 warning and 1 error issued.  Results may not be reliable.

All these problems seem to be related to loadable module support.
modutils is 2.3.14. CONFIG_MODVERSIONS is not set.


Harald Dunkel | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | If your operating system seems to
Synopsys GmbH | Kaiserstr. 100     | be made by Dr. Frankenstein, then
52134 Herzogenrath, Germany        | it is time for a change.
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