hello just wonted to tell ever body to stay a way from SMITHY unless you wont to throw a way money i bought a granite 1339 and all tools 5000.00 worth junk you see they had broken it and then put it in a box the box was not damage in any way what so ever but the equipment was broken i called them at 1-800-476-4849 they said they have my money and there was nothing i could do about i asked them a bout the 30 day warranty they said it was up i told them i only had it 2 weeks and then they hung up on me ive called them many times but they wont talk to me when they find out it is me they put me to voice mail and never call me back but they are wrong i bought a mass mailer program and i am sending thes letters out ever day 100000 of them ever day thank you for your time may be this will save some one ther money - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/