TRG has reprioritized it's long term objectives, and due to resource
constraints and short term schedules, the Open Source NDS and Open
Source NTFS File System projects are being withdrawn from the Linux
Initiative. These projects will be MANOS only, and any interested party
is free to acquire the code and back port them into Linux, though the
networking architectures are profoundly different between the two. The
lack of a Kernel Debugger and other basic kernel level facilities on
Linux make TRG's job about 20 times harder on Linux and take almost 10
times as long as is possible on NT, NetWare, or MANOS to develop
software asa result ofthis. To date, TRG has invested over
$1,500,000.00 on Linux development projects enabling NetWare-to-Linux
interoperability so we feel like we have contributed erstwhile resources
to date. Downloads of NWFS has exceeded 900,000 copies to date from
TRG's website.
TRG will continue to support NWFS on Linux as a migration file system
for NetWare-to-Linux Migration, however, all new development will be on
the MANOS platform only. M2FS for Linux will be available in binary
form only for those interested parties. A press release will be sent on
Monday informing the industry that TRG has withdrawn these projects in
Open Source form on Linux and citing the reasons for this decision.
As for the reasons behind this decision, TRG has attempted to be an
contributing member of Linux for quite some time, however, the
architecture of Linux is unnatural to Novell's and Microsoft's
technologies and Linux is at present incapable of providing the same
level of Networking capability available with Windows 2000 or NetWare to
enterprise customers. NetWare routinely supports upwards of 2000 users
per server for file and print. Linux with it's current level of
development has trouble with configurations of more than 100 users via
MARS-NWE or SAMBA in our tests. TRG's MANOS source code and components
are freely available to the Linux community, and TRG has no objection to
continued participation with the Linux Community and use of any of it's
source code in Linux projects.
Very Truly Yours,
Jeff Merkey
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