"Micha³ 'CeFeK' Nazarewicz" writes:
> kernel: get_random_bytes called before random device initialization.
>       So... I'm reporting this to this list, because I don't know whom
> to contact: IrDA folks, or maybe kernel's?

I've already fixed it, submitted the patch to Linus several times, since
2.4.0-test3 or so and the IrDA maintainer has submitted his patch at least
once.  So far, Linus seems to be ignoring any patches to the IrDA code.

The problem you report is a regularly occuring problem that people has
been reported several times in the past, and has been fixed long ago.
Oh, and the patch has appeared on linux-kernel a couple of times, and
had successful feedback.

You should be able to find the IrDA patch on the linux-irda project
website somewhere (but I've not looked myself).
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