> Hi Daniel, anyone.
> I am not a lawyer and I am not a marketing manager, but I think there
> are several things that need fixing. Most of these are differences that
> I think stand out when comparing your draft with the KDE press releases
> for their KDE2.0 betas (those being the only press releases I've read
> for an open source project yet), available at www.kde.org.
I am not a lawyer, marketing manager, marketer, salesperson, pre-sales
person, or indeed even a "real" kernel hacker. I'm a bloody high school
student. Hence the lack of the "journalistic touch". I'm just hacking away,
hoping someone will notice, tell me everything to fix, I fix it, and in the
end I get credit, and people hail me down the streets with a ticker-tape
> 1.) First of all, there should be some people named at the end of the
> p.r. that interested press people can contact to get an interview or
> such. Naturally, this should be some of the core developers.
Read about the second paragraph of the initial email I sent out. A feature
writer for a well-known computer magazine here tried to contact one of the
higher deities and they more or less told him to bugger off. Do we want to
do this to ALL the press? (besides, I don't have Linus' phone number on
> 2.) I'm still not sure whether you can use so many trademarks within the
> p.r. without marking them as such and using them incorrectly (e.g. 'Sun
> Microsystems' instead of 'Sun', 'Microsoft WindowsCE' (a guess) instead
> of 'Windows-CE', etc.)
That was actually one of the things I red-flagged myself for and pondered
about. Then I decided I'd get flamed for it on l-k and just hoped to god
that someone would come up with something constructive.
> 3.) The language is a bit (and here my own deficit strikes me as I'm
> searching for the right word, let's try) 'unprofessional'. With that I
> mean that it is not the 'typical' language of press releases. I quote:
> <snip>
> > * Enterprise Ready! Linux 2.4 includes changes that
> > make it even more ready for Enterprise environments.
> <snip>
> > * Linux also includes Logical Volume Manager, for easy
> > administration of disk space; you can also combine
> > several hard drives/partitions into one for even more
> > space and ease!
> <snip>
> > * More interface support! Linux is now even better
> > supported for the desktop with the advent of support
> > for USB, FireWire and AGP.
> <snip>
> > Linux includes a new architecture, known as Netfilter,
> > to act as a firewall (security - choose what gets
> > through and what doesn't), and masquerading server
> > (multiple machines can share the one connection without
> > any fuss or hassle). Netfilter is now much quicker, <etc>
> <snip><etc>
Yeah, well scroll up. I will go and read the KDE press release, but don't
mistake me for a professional journalist, or someone who sits there all day
slamming out quality press releases.
> One should take time and discuss what _groundbreaking_ new features
> Linux 2.4 will have when compared to both 2.2 and the competitors. I'm
> thinking of the scalability issues, as well as all the other
> 'enterprise' enhancements like maximum memory/processors supported. On
> the other end of the user scale you might want to proudly present Linux
> as the first system to support ATA100. Full USB support comes to mind.
Well, does Linus, Alan, etc, want to share their viewpoint? ATA100 is a very
good one, yes, and I actually did put in USB if you bothered to read the
press release, indeed what you pasted also. And the first thing I wrote was
about how it's so much better for SMP and 64gig of ram, and >2gig files ...
> One should single out what Linux 2.4 can do better than the competitors,
> but in a respectful (w.r.t. competitors) and indirect way. And one
> should take the time and space to go into some application examples to
> elaborate on these outstanding features.
Application != kernel.
> Well, look at the KDE people. I think they really got 'it' when it comes
> to writing press releases: Identify your strengths and explain them
> briefly, but so that my _mum_ says "Wow, Linux 2.4 is great! Where do I
> get one of those cute stuffed penguins?" after reading her woman's
> journal. (Ok, ok...:-)
okokok, I will. But please, for the love of God, stop mistaking me for a
full time quality-bullshit^Wpress-release-artist. Because I'm not. I just
hacked out a press release one night when I was pretty tired. Don't flame me
for it.
Daniel Stone
Kernel Hacker (or at least has aspirations to be)
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