---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Issac Goldstand <mar...@beamartyr.net>
Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 12:21 PM
Subject: OSI 20th Anniversary Party
To: discussi...@hamakor.org.il

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the Tel Aviv celebration of the OSI's 20th
anniversary, which will take place in central Tel Aviv on the evening of
February 5th in two weeks.

This is a great way to celebrate together the huge impact that open
source in general, and the OSI specifically, has had on our work (and
lives!) and mingle with like-minded people.  The sessions should be of
interest both to complete newbies in the world of open-source, as well
as veterans, and there are some planned surprises to make it a fun and
special tribute to the local and global open source communities.

Please take a minute to sign up at

By signing up in advance, you help so that we know how many are coming
so details can be planned accordingly, and also, frankly, the more
people that we sign up, the more arm twisting power I have to ask
sponsors to help make this an extra-special evening.  Also please feel
free to share this with other relevant people and/or groups.

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you in two weeks!


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