Two people replied (thanks!).

borissh1983 suggested to mount the raw image and copy files directly
from there, using tools like: qemu-nbd, vfuse/vdfuse.
As an alternative, he suggested to convert using:
"VBoxManage clonehd --format RAW input.vfi output.img"
(disclaimer: the command was not checked)
and then mount directly the image.

shlomif suggested to reboot the VM using a LiveDVD/LiveCD, mount the
installation virtual disk and copy the relevant files outside using

I am saving the suggestions for future reference.

For now, I ended up installing Debian Jessie (Stable) and then upgrading
to Testing and to Unstable.

--- Omer

On Sun, 2016-04-17 at 09:25 +0300, Omer Zak wrote:
> I found that there are layout problems in the Hebrew PDF file in the
> debian-refcard package.
> To fix the problems, I am building a virtual machine (using VirtualBox)
> for a Debian Stretch (Unstable) installation.
> I tried to install using debian-stretch-DI-alpha5-amd64-netinst.iso
> but in middle, there was a message that installation failed.
> I was offered the possibility to access the installation logfiles from
> I tried but it did not work. Apparently installation was not
> sufficiently complete to make it possible.
> Is there another way to access the installation logfiles, so that I can
> file a proper bug report?
> For now, I am installing Debian Jessie (Stable) with intention to update
> later to Debian Unstable.
> --- Omer Zak

Any legal limit to self defense means that there is no right for self
defense at all.  This is because the aggressors would exploit those
legal limits to render their victims totally defenseless.
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