On Tue, Dec 08, 2015 at 11:13:44AM +0200, geoffrey mendelson wrote:
> My son has become interested in  the Raspberry Pi after hearing about the Pi
> Zero.
> I would like to strike while the iron is hot, as it were, and get him a Pi
> he could use.
> He currently is a Windows users and has no programming experience.
> He is a native Hebrew and English speaker, but prefers to read Hebrew.  I
> will be mentoring and need English.
> Is there a Pi user's group or website, etc, in Hebrew?
> Where can I get him a Pi (the latest version of the regular Pi, not the
> Zero), with everything, .e.g case, power supply, HDMI cable, USB hub or
> cable to provide my own, memory card with operating system, and so on.
> Basically, a plug and play system?

Pi board, case: yeah, get from the store.

HDMI Cable, USB Hub: just get from any local shop.

SD: Either order, or buy an SD, download an image and dd / cat / cp it
to the SD yourself (requires an SD "reader", but it is a raher common

Power supply: A decent one of a mobile phone will likely do, IIRC, and
those are likewise common.

That said, there may also be other useful hardware addons. 
For instance, a breadboard, some LEDs, switches and resistors (which,
again, you could find in a local electronics shop. Hopefully. I did find
one in the not so central place I reside. Well, except the breadboard).

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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