
i have a rooted lenovo vibe x2. i want to compile a kernel module for it.

i did a 'make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=... M=subdir' and got my module.ko

when i insmod, i get: exec format error
and dmesg:
version magic '3.10.35 mod_unload modversions ARMv7 p2v8 ' should be
'3.10.35 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 '

i tried playing with configuration, and got to '3.10.35 SMP preempt
mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 '
however i can not loose the p2v8

this seems to come from: CONFIG_ARM_PATCH_PHYS_VIRT,if i comment out the
CONFIG_ARM_PATCH_PHYS_VIRT, it reenables it when i compile.

looking further i found:

Type  : boolean
Prompt: Patch physical to virtual translations at runtime
Defined at arch/arm/Kconfig:219
Depends on: !XIP_KERNEL [=n] && MMU [=y] && (!ARCH_REALVIEW [=n] ||
[=y] && <choice> && MMU

i can not disable MMU, as it changes to armv5
disabling ARCH_MULTIPLATFORM  means i need to select a processor type
any of the 'ARM Ltd.' either doesn't compile or is ignored
and i do not know what the '<choice>' is

i tried downloading source from lenovo.
they have instructions to compile with:
./mk x2ap n k

however i cannot find 'mk' anywhere, not in their tar, not in android sdk
nor ndk etc.
and can't find any specific config file.
compiling with their source gives the same magic '3.10.35 mod_unload
modversions ARMv7 p2v8 ' as the vanilla does

any idea anyone ?
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