Alan Yaniger wrote on Mon, Jan 05, 2015 at 14:09:06 +0200:
> Hi Linux-IL members,
> I'm using bidiv to read Hebrew in mutt.
> It works ok with reading Hebrew messages, but not when reading the
> subject headers, which still show the Hebrew backwards.

Personally, I set edit_headers=on, and when I want to "reverse" an RTL
subject or body I type 'g' to open it in $EDITOR, read it there, and
then discard the editor.  That's not a great solution but it works well
when the volume of RTL mail is low.

(more below)

> So I wrote the following script caled "bidi_index" to enable reading of 
> Hebrew in the subjects:
> echo $@ > /tmp/index.out && bidiv /tmp/index.out
> and I added to .muttrc the following:
> set index_format = "/home/alan/.mutt/bidi_index %D %-15.15L   %s (%Z) |"
> (I tried piping the text directly to bidiv, but I got an error, so I write to 
> a temp file, and I have my script read the temp file.)
> Mutt shows the Hebrew properly, but it creates a new problem. The minimum 
> length for the sender's name no longer works. My setting is for a minimum 
> length of 15 chars, as in the index_format setting I quoted above, but if the 
> name is less than 15 chars, mutt does not pad the rest of the 15 chars with 
> blanks.
> This problem doesn't exist if I don't pipe to my script.
> Does anyone know how to fix with this problem, or does anyone have an 
> alternative way of displaying Hebrew in mutt (which you've checked gets 
> around this problem)?  

Did you try changing
    echo $@
    echo "$@"?

The difference:

% sh -c 'echo $@' - 'foo     ' bar   
foo bar
% sh -c 'echo "$@"' - 'foo     ' bar 
foo      bar

That's still not robust — it breaks when $1 is -e or -n.  If that's a
concern, use printf(1) instead of echo.



> I'm using Mutt 1.5.21 (2010-09-15) on a gnome-terminal in Ubuntu 12.04,
> with LC_ALL="en_US.utf8".

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