Hi Sara,

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 5:05 PM, sara fink <sara.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm facing a weird problem with libreoffice. I have a ppt file (converted
> from pptx into ppt on windows, so that I can view the ppt in libreoffice).
> The problem is that when I see the ppt file in full screen mode (slide
> show), some letters disappear. For instance the word int appears as i t. In
> normal mode the word appears ok. The same goes for the word double. The
> letter "o" disappears (not always).
a few questions:

1. What is your distribution, its version, etc.?

2. What are your system's SPECs (CPU, graphics card, etc.)?

3. Did you try it in a new UNIX user account? Does it happen there?

4. Can you share an offending file somehow?

5. Which version of LibreOffice are you using? Did you try it with a
version of
LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice from the upstream developers?


    Shlomi Fish

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