"Either way, where are the logs?"

what does "lsof" say?

On 12 October 2014 14:00, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz> wrote:

>  On 12/10/14 00:24, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Could that be caused by MX records for the list not yet pointing at the
> new host? i.e., perhaps the new mailman instance is not handling the list
> yet because MX records don't point at it (the new mailman instance). HTH
> Daniel
> It *could*, but I find it unlikely. The local MTA considers those domains
> to be local, and does local delivery for them. Also, mailman is not bound
> to only handle locally handled domains, so long as the emails reach it.
> Either way, where are the logs?
> Shachar
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