On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 04:33:12PM +0300, Mord Behar wrote:
> I'm trying to embed a Google Map on a website, and since most of the target
> audience is non-English readers, I want the map to be in Hebrew.
> So I set my Google settings to be Hebrew, and got an embed code from
> Google. Now Google pointed out to me that each visitor will view a map
> appropriate for them (I think it refers to Places only). But when I tried
> to view it on the website, the map is in English. I then noticed that even
> though my map is in Hebrew, the little floating window I get to get an
> embed code shows the map in English.
> Does Google not support Hebrew for embedded maps? Or is there some way to
> force it?

Have you considered OpenStreetMaps?

By default the language is similar to Google's (the country's language
is preffered), but that policy is easy to change:

If there's a specific area that s still not properly translated, let me
know and I'll try to help translating it. I try to keep to Hebrew
Wikipedia translations of names as they are normally sane and

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