Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> writes:

> Oleg Goldshmidt wrote on Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 17:55:59 +0300:
>> I got desperate and ran
>> $ export TEXINPUTS=$(ls -R /usr/share/tex* | awk '/^\/.+:$/ {printf
>> "%s",$0}')"."
>> After this, everything worked.
>> Has anyone here encountered this problem? Solved it? Any ideas?
> - strace to see where article.cls is being looked for at?

It is called from the very beginning - at \documentclass{article}. I
don't see how strace can help me figure out why latex is not searching
the path it should be searching.
> - Maybe your user has some TEX* envvars or texmf trees that get in the
>   way.  In particular, TEXINPUTS might have been set before you ran the
>   'export' command.  

No. I had checked, of course. TEXINPUTS was empty. Stuff like
article.cls is supposed to be found with empty TEXINPUTS. Ditto for
other stuff that looks relevant (but isn't) such is TEXMFHOME.

The TeX stuff (texlive and friends) was installed on the machine today.

> Perhaps try building as a new user account (with no
> envvars or trees other than those the build script itself sets)?

It was a brand new (specialy created to investigate the problem) user
acount with no customizations whatsoever.

Oleg Goldshmidt | p...@goldshmidt.org

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