On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 12:06:56PM +0200, Rabin Yasharzadehe wrote:
> I am interested in buying a 3G modem to connect to some for our servers, in
> order to get alerts by SMS, the idea is not to depend on the infrastructure
> of the DC.
> I am looking for a modem supported under Linux (RH6), If someone has
> already made his survey on this matter, or have proven experience on the
> subject, I'd love to hear it.

ModemManager provides a (low-level) interface to sending and recieving
SMS messages. It should work on most standard modems. I have no idea
about alternatives.

> A nice feature but not required, is to be able to restart/initialize the
> modem remotely if it get stuck.

We had this issue with one system of ours. It turned out that nothing
would do. Even when the box was off, it still provided power to USB and
the modem was powered on. Fun.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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