2013/5/28 Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name>:
> E.S. Rosenberg wrote on Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:52:56 +0300:
>> Normally I don't do this, but I was wondering, any other people here
>> pre-ordering?
> I've got them earmarked on my "May be a good option; review them after
> they have released some product" shelf.
Since there's a free pre-order option I figured might as well, it's
like a vote "get this device to my country".

Also I am a n900 user and the only reason I seek to replace my trusty
n900 is that I abused it to much (too many falls etc.), the OS even in
the n900 days was great, the n9 OS was really good according to all
reviews and this is it's evolution so to me it sounds very good.

If it weren't for them releasing the jolla phone I would probably try
to get a second hand n9/n900 (n950 costs too much due to
Eliyahu - אליהו
> Daniel

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