Shachar Shemesh <> writes:

> On 17/05/13 10:13, Ghiora Drori wrote:
>     Quote: "Amazon Glacier is designed to provide average annual
>     durability of 99.999999999% " 
>     If this is not good enough for you too bad.
> When you see someone, anyone, saying such a thing, run. As fast and as
> far as you can.
> This level of assurance is called "nine nines"(henceforth 9*9). It
> amounts to one thousandth of a second of downtime a year.

I think you are misreading the claim, Shachar. It is not about
availablity, it is about "durability". I read it as a measure of the
probability that your data will not be lost before a year passes.

Disclaimer: I have never used the service and th above is my "common
sense and reading comprehension" take on what is written in the above

Oleg Goldshmidt |

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