On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 11:21:37PM +0300, Elazar Leibovich wrote:

> However when it's gzipped:

Is it the same content? Specifically, do you use gzip -n?

> All your suggestions are basically good, but they mean I have to change the
> work style of all the team.
> The main benefit in my suggestion is, that it's completely transparent. I
> add a single mount command to the directory I already keep my binary files,
> and that's it. Everything still works as usual, except I never need to
> worry about deleting anything.
> BTW Java artifacts have a very easy to set-up and known deployment
> mechanism (binary repository with a known protocol to keep binary build
> products, known API for how to get a build product, etc). It's good to keep
> your work environment as standard as you reasonably can.

And use a custom file system as part of it?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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