On 1/22/13, David Suna <da...@davidsconsultants.com> wrote:
> I have a web application (written in PHP) that works against a MySQL
> database.  I would like to have an FTP interface that would translate a
> request for a file into a request against the web server and return the data
> generated by the web server as the contents of the file.
> I can think of three ways to approach the problem:
> 1. Custom code an FTP server
> 2. Implement a file system layer that would do the translation
> 3. Use an off line process to generate the output and use the standard FTP
> server to serve the generated files
> Due to time constraints we are taking the third approach.  However, I wanted
> to find out if there are any other solutions or existing implementations
> that we could build on in the future.
> Thanks.
> --
> David Suna
> da...@davidsconsultants.com

Did you consider fuse (for linux based) or dokan for windows.

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