On Sun, Sep 16, 2012, Baruch Siach wrote about "Re: Possible Solution for 
Frequent Keyboard Hangups in KDE.":
> > Continuing the investigation, you'll discover that when X is in a new
> > and little-known state called "AccessX", it enables the dreaded
> > "SlowKeys" mode when you press the shift key for 10 seconds. Yes, that's
> > right - if you daydream with your hand on the shift, bye bye keyboard.
> I just wanted to note that for me, at least, another 10 seconds Shift key 
> press toggles the keyboard to its normal non-SlowKeys state.

Everyone says that, but strangely, I was never able to disable the
SlowKeys mode in this way... Once I accidentally turned it on, I had no
way to turn it off but slowly slowly typing "xkbset -sl". I don't know
why on my setup, a 10 second shift for the second time does not turn it off.
But anyway, frankly, before I started to investigate this issue, there
is no way I could have even guessed that a 10 second shift would solve
this problem. It took me several months (!) to even figure out that the
hangs I experienced were caused by pressing the shift for 10 seconds.

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, Sep 16 2012, 29 Elul 5772
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Attention: There will be a rain dance
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |Friday night, weather permitting.

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