Hello Oleg,
You may want to split your application into two parts.
The engine part (written in C++) will transform the data and write to
sys.stdout the updates to the data with keys for identifying the data

The GUI part will be written in one of the scripting languages, read
from sys.stdin and display the values.
If I were to do this today, I'd probably use Python with Tkinter or
However, you may want to look into Perl or Tcl/Tk.

--- Omer

On Wed, 2012-07-18 at 13:04 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Hi Oleg,
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 11:50:26 +0300
> Oleg Goldshmidt <p...@goldshmidt.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have no - literally zero - experience in creating GUIs of any kind. I
> > face the following task now: there is a C++ program that runs on Linux and
> > basically receives some packets with some data over the network and does
> > some transformations on the data. As a result some data structures are
> > created and updated - potentially many times a second, say, a few times a
> > second for any *single piece* of data. I need a *prototype* GUI that would
> > display and constantly update (parts of) those structures, say strings and
> > numbers with colours and labels and stuff. There may be a need for a
> > drop-down menu for some configuration - don't know yet. Eventually maybe a
> > button or two will be added to invoke some actions.
> > 
> > I figure that the simplest way about it would be to make the GUI run on the
> > same Linux machine and write it in C++ for ease of integration. What would
> > be the easiest / simplest framework to use? Is it Qt? Ultimate++ (
> > http://www.ultimatepp.org/ - just one of the things I found in a simple and
> > brief search)? Since I have no experience it's difficult for me to judge
> > quickly.
> This is the first time I recall hearing about Ultimate++ (maybe I have heard
> about it before and forgot all about it).
> In any case, I have concentrated most of the usual suspects here:
> http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/portability-libs/#gui
> (I see now that Gtk+/gtkmm/etc. and FLTK are absent from that list - I will 
> add
> them.).
> I happen to think that Qt is very nice (and it is now LGPLed), but I don't 
> have
> a lot of experience doing extensive GUI development with it. You might try
> asking Omer Zak about it (he is CCed to this message), because he dealt with
> it more extensively in the past.
> > 
> > What is important here is speed and painless ramp-up to some fairly low
> > level. I want to be up and running as fast as possible with as little
> > coding as possible. No need for bells and whistles. No need for long term
> > maintenance. It is for a throw away demo/prototype - and yes, I am sure it
> > (the GUI part) will be thrown away.
> > 
> > Any suggestions / experiences / war stories / whatever?
> > 
> I should note that I prefer writing GUIs in higher-level, dynamic languages
> such as Perl, Python or Ruby, but in your case it may be too much hassle.
> Anyway, I think you can go with Qt.
> Regards,
>       Shlomi Fish

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