If you're familiar with the Fedora proposed move from /bin and /sbin to
/usr/bin and /usr/sbin, you see that one of the ways that they're ensuring
legacy compatibility is, after moving everything under /usr, then
symlinking /bin to /usr/bin and /sbin to /usr/sbin. See:

So I imagine you might be able to do something similar, mounting your /opt
and /usr/opt drives on a different machine, manually copying the files
over, and manually creating the symlink. I've never tried something like
that before so I have no idea if it would work (read: "do at your own
risk"), it's just an idea...


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 9:49 PM, Omer Zak <w...@zak.co.il> wrote:

> My current Linux system has a 15GB root partition, which has 6GB files.
> Turns out that that about 5.5GB are in the /opt directory.
> My /usr partition is 206GB, of which about 33GB are used.
> This led me to wonder why is it not recommended in the FSSTND[1] to
> deprecate /opt[2] and install its contents as /usr/opt (possibly with
> soft link from /opt to /usr/opt).
> [1] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/
> [2]
> http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#OPTADDONAPPLICATIONSOFTWAREPACKAGES
> --- Omer
> --
> In civilized societies, captions are as important in movies as
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