Though I have very little experince in databases, it seems like MongoDB
would be a capable candidate for the database. There are even some free
MongoDB hosting sites out there. It would obviously need some http (or other
transport layer) wrapper.


2011/8/29 Amichai Rotman <>

> I am all for it!
> How do we do this?
> I have some free time now, I am willing to do the data entry. i'll start
> with my books (have quite a few of them).
> I just need help to set it up - where will it be hosted? What do I use as a
> server side app?
> If anyone sends me links to resources and provides the hosting, I am
> willing to do the rest...
> Thanks!
> Amichai.
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:59, E L <> wrote:
>> It's not complicated to write a plugin to Calibre that does what you want.
>> But personally I don't like working for commercial companies for free.
>> I think the right thing to do is to go the cddb way of making a free
>> database
>> for books and dana codes. I don't trust a company to not all the sudden
>> change their mind and decide to ask for money.
>> Ely
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Amichai Rotman <>wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Just a quick recap:
>>> I would like to add my 300~ Hebrew books to by Calibre [1] catalog. I
>>> already add most of my English books. The "problem" with Hebrew books is
>>> that they have no ISBN (almost all of the new ones) but the Israeli
>>> equivalent - D.A.N.A. Code.
>>> Currently, there is no way to freely query the D.A.N.A. Code database.
>>> This code is provided and the database is maintained by a private company
>>> called Dana Code Systems [2].
>>> I understand it is easy enough to write a plugin to extend Calibre's
>>> capabilities, so I thought maybe we (as in the FOSS community in Israel) can
>>> write that plugin and query the database. I called Dana Code Systems
>>> and spoke with Uri - a developer.
>>> He says it's not a problem to query their data base for book info, but
>>> the info included is intended for book shops and book distributors: Price,
>>> category, author - no book cover or summery.
>>> He is willing to grant us query access to the data base if I convince him
>>> it will be worth while for his company from a business point of view, i.e.:
>>> They will provide the access in return for paying customers, being a private
>>> company and all...
>>> Dana Code Systems sells a year subscription to access their data base.
>>> They once considered populating the DB with the missing data (cover image,
>>> summery etc.), and even found a Librarian that was willing to do the data
>>> entry, but they dropped it due to financial reasons.
>>> In short, any of you can think of a way we can, as a community, make this
>>> happen?
>>> I am willing to help, but I am no developer, just a Linux user... :-)
>>> Uri is waiting for an e-mail from me, with my suggestion.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Amichai.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:57, E L <> wrote:
>>>> Do you know any site that can be used to get the information by the
>>>> D.A.N.A code?
>>>> Ely
>>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Amichai Rotman 
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> Dana Code is the Israeli equivalent to ISBN.
>>>>> Pick up any Hebrew book from your bookshelf and look on the back cover,
>>>>> where the barcode is.
>>>>> On Aug 24, 2011 10:09 PM, "E L" <> wrote:
>>>>> > There are Hebrew books which don't have ISBN number?
>>>>> > And what's a dana code? I can't find it on google?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Ely
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2011/8/24 Amichai Rotman <>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> Dana Systems
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