Well, the story goes like this:

I hosted few domains in afraid.org as a "premium" user, until I found few
days ago that this service has some issues, so I thought to test a DNS
service of mine. I'm not looking for something like AnyCast stuff which was
mentioned here. I already got servers in US and EU which serves other
clients, so setting up a small VPS on them for DNS service (as slaves) is
not an issue.

As for business side that Amos mentioned here: This setup is just for my
domains. I'm not going to compete against any big companies who offer DNS
management. If all works well and I'll find a business justification for it,
I'll hire one of the people in this list to check the setup and another
person to write a web front-end, but it's really just for testing at the

Currently I'm sick and tired of DNS management crap from many competing
Israeli companies. I just moved a web site to one of my clients and we
waited 72 hours for a DNS change and it didn't happened, and I had to waste
3 hours on the phone to explain to the support guy about records changing,
DKIM etc.


2011/6/17 Ariel Biener <ar...@tau.ac.il>

> Without discussing the business reasoning, what you want is the following:
> 1. A stealth master hosted somewhere and protected.
> 2. A number of slaves, spread geographically.
> Now, discussing the business case, I am not at all sure that hosting 4
> servers is viable. So, you can host only the stealth masters, and see if you
> can buy slave dns services that will be pulling zones from your stealth
> master.
> Also, if you have friends that have similar needs you can co-share dns
> slaves.
> In general, unless you are a large business with branches spread throughout
> the world, or an ISP, or critical infrastructure, hosting your own stealth
> master and buying any kind of slave services from others should do fine.
> Ariel
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hetz Ben Hamo <het...@gmail.com>
> Sender: linux-il-boun...@cs.huji.ac.il
> Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 16:31:54
> To: Uri Even-Chen<u...@speedy.net>
> Cc: linux-il<linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
> Subject: Re: DNS question
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