> On Jun 7, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Stan Goodman wrote:
> > That is a very brief list of some of the things that go over Mr
> > Stallman's head. I think they amount to gross hypocrisy. Giving him a
> > pass for his hypocrisy is also hypocritical.
> Stan (and others),
> This is Israel, and he is allowed to be a hypocrite, believe things
> that are wrong, state things that are wrong and not participate in
> actions that are wrong, whether he believes they are wrong, or you do.
> What he should not do, and IMHO can not do is to wrap the FSF message
> around them. If he posts as RMS, or Dick Stallman, or Rich Stallman,
> or even Richard Stallman, Phd, it's his privledge, but the moment he
> posts as "Dr Richard Stallman, President, Free Software Foundation" he
> has spoken for the FSF, and now the FSF is part of the BDS movement.

What I wonder is how people can give him any credibility with regard to his 
opinions now that he has demonstrated that he does not consider both sides of 
By only using the rhetoric used to bash Israel and not considering how that 
occupation" came into being along with the reneging of international agreements 
that gave 
the Jews the belief that they are allowed to live on that land, how does his 
excuse for 
boycotting the universities hold up?

> While this may gain him a little "street cred" with some people, there
> are many who don't support the BDS movement, and this now gives us an
> unpleasant choice. Support the FSF and support BDS, or not.
> Shachar mentioned boycotting the FSF (actually I think he said GNU)
> but I will leave it to you to decide exactly what "not supporting the
> FSF" means.
> In case you don't know what I am talking about:
> <http://www.bdsmovement.net/>
> This, BTW is why I dislike the GPL, it has some baggage attached,
> which now includes BDS. I much prefer BSD's "do what you want, but
> don't do it here"* license.
> Geoff.
> * Actually a quote from Bruce Springsteen, who is NOT Jewish although
> many people think he is.
> --
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
> Making your enemy reliant on software you support is the best revenge.

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