Ram on

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 12:54 PM, geoffrey mendelson <> wrote:

> 1. I understand you can now buy a USB digital tv receiver stick that is
> supported by Linux.
>   I'm looking for one that is supported in Ubuntu 11.04 and can be bought
> easily by specifing the exact store or item (I need to send a non technical
> person to do it) or ordered by phone or via eBay.
> 2. Has anyone found a FAX modem that is compatible with NGN? I had several
> old ones which either were no longer supported (PCI modems) and external
> ones that were not compatible with NGN. When I plugged them into the phone
> line (after the appropriate filter) they always thought they heard a
> carrier. I assume it was because the filtering inside the modem was
> inadequate.
> I know you can get one, I have an HP multifunction unit, which lives on a
> Windows computer. Now I have to print out pages I want to fax and carry them
> over. I can print out on the printer part using samba, but can't fax.
> For shalom bayit, it's going to stay on the Windows computer, but I miss
> hylafax. A USB or RS-232 modem supported by Hylafax is exactly what I need.
> Or a service that I can pay per page to send faxes via hylafax. This needs
> to be an Israeli service, I don't need to send faxes outside the country.
> Or absent any of those an Israeli voip provider I can use to send faxes via
> asterisk. E.g. one that provides ulaw or alaw outgoing connections.
> Any information would be appreciated, even if it is a negative.
> Geoff.
> --
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
> Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to misquote it.
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