> First, it doesn't move the parameters. if someone comes to
>> blog.hetz.biz/?p=300 - it should go to vps.net.bz/?p=300
> That's not what I understand from the documentation:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_alias.html#redirect - but
> again I may be missing something.

I missed that. Thanks.

> Second, this requires a new virtualhost (for vps.net.bz) - am I right?
> Which you already have at the moment, no? As there's no ServerAlias in that
> VirtualHost you pasted, I understood vps.net.bz is on a different vhost.
With ServerAlias, it goes to a loop. I didn't invest much time there, I
simply created another vhost.

> Not that I understand what's wrong with a one-line VHost for the old
> hostname. From some reason I take this type of configuration cleaner and
> easier to debug later (and could also very be more efficient
> performance-wise. or not. :))
vhost one line? 2 lines for <VirtualHost> and </VirtualHost>, 1 line for
ServerName, 1 line for DocumentRoot, so you'll need 4 at the minimum :)

Anyway, thanks for the heads-up regarding the redirect. Seems to be working

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