Please correct me if I'm wrong, but at the moment, Wine doesn't have
yet full Hebrew/Arabic support at the moment. With the correct
encoding you can make Wine show hebrew (in menus etc), but mixing
Hebrew and english still doesn't work and you have to jump through
many hoops to make Wine work well with some hebrew support.

At the moment, in order to make hebrew work, some considerable
investment is required, be it a paid freelancer(s) to work on it or
group of volunteers.

As of this Monday, Google is accepting applications from organizations
for Google summer of code (see here: http://goo.gl/lrt1q ).

My question: Is there any person, group or organization that can
submit an application for Wine Hebrew support? That way, everyone
wins: The student(s) will be paid by Google (I think they'll be happy
to accept Wine & Hebrew/Arabic/BiDi to GSOC), and the Linux community
will finally have (if everything goes well) a decent Hebrew/Arabic
implementation in Wine.

What do you think?


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חץ-ביז (הוסטינג)
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