On Saturday 26 February 2011 02:01:17 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Geeks, help me here! Where can I find the etymology (word root) for
> non-Biblical Hebrew words? Words such as "petria", or "mivreshet"? An
> online source would be great, but I'm willing to buy a book if need
> be.
> Thanks!


Can you be more specific about the problem; can you give a concrete 
example of a problem you would have to solve, and what you would expect 
from "the book"? Is it to trace words from foreign-language origins 
(like Nanas from Greek, for example)? Or something else?

I'm sure you have googled and found the lots of hits from <hebrew 
etymology> to be inadequate for your purpose. If that's the case, my own 
reaction would be to write to the Hebrew Language Academy and ask for a 
list of books. Or perhaps to walk into the University in Be'er-Sheva and 
find which professor can point you to the right place. Or maybe to go 
into their library and talk to the librarian.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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