On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 10:35:14AM +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning to roll out at my hosting business a special package of virtual
> machine with IPV6 for people and companies who would like to deploy their
> web site for people who want to use IPV6.
> (so far the adoption of IPV6 in Israel sucks, even my upstream provider
> [Netvision] don't offer it).
> I would like to ask: does anyone knows which ISP here has dial-up plans with
> IPV6?
> (if I'll find that there isn't such a thing, perhaps I'll set up something,
> although this take some considerable investment)

OT: so I suspect there would be some demand for a 6to4 gateway (as a
simple router). Anybody wants to try and sell one?

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Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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