2010/11/23 Ron Varburg <linux...@hotmail.com>

> On Sun, Nov 22, 2010 at 13:05, Kfir Lavi wrote:
> > Do any one of you knows what can cause this problem at Hot servers ?
> I am not sure I managed to follow:
> 1. When HOT assigns you to without a dialer, you get a real IP.
>  In the 84/8 range.
> 2. When you are assigned to a dialer, you get something in the 172/8
> range.
> Did I missed something so far?
Nope, you are right.

> I think that this is how it should work. So the problem is on your side.
>  HOT + ISP are fine.
What you didn't get is that it suddenly stops sending me IP.
Then I call HOT and they need to reset (move to dialer, then move to dhcp),
and then my computer will get an IP.
Why it is my problem?

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