Quoting Yedidyah Bar-David, from the post of Mon, 01 Nov:
> I worked for several years with postfix+dovecot+postfixadmin. IIRC it
> was mostly based on this howto:
> http://bliki.rimuhosting.com/space/knowledgebase/linux/mail/postfixadmin+on+debian+sarge
> which is pretty dated, but postfixadmin itself (and the underlying
> tools, no doubt) is still maintained. It's pretty basic but working.

the howto is very out of date, but I improvised and got dovecot and
postfixadmin to play nice with the same DB scheme (which changed since
the howto), but now I have postfix refusing to connect to the database.
I'm close to open a new thread on that since I feel like I exhausted
everything Google could find me.

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Ira Abramov

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