On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 22:40 +0300, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi people,
> As I setup my VPS/dedicated hosting here in Israel, I have been asked
> by the hosting company (Netvision) to either buy and bring a firewall
> or rent from them since the bandwidth I bought exceeds what is allowed
> under their firewall.
[... snipped ...]
> So here's my question: If you were in my shoes, would you take a cisco
> or apply some Linux solution? If you say Linux solution, what kind of
> solution? Could you name an app/module/whatever that can do a good
> protection against the usual suspect and protect against stuff like
> DDoS attack?

How about OpenBSD?

> I prefer the Linux solution because then I can run other services on
> this machine (small mail server, nagios, etc..)

If I were in your shoes, I'd prefer to run the firewall on a separate
machine, and rig the other machine/s (which runs the other services)
against the consequences of a break into the firewall machine.

--- Omer

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