On Thu, Sep 02, 2010 at 08:10:15AM +0200, Julian Daich wrote:
> Hi,
> Software Freedom Day (SFD)[ 1] is a worldwide celebration of Free and
> Open Source Software (FOSS). The goal in this celebration is to educate
> the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in
> education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short,
> everywhere! The non-profit organization Software Freedom
> International[ 2] coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support,
> giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the
> world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.
> This year the FSD was selected to be on 18th of September which is
> alsothe Day of Atonement at the jewish calendar
> I'm highly involved in the FSD event at Madrid.
> It does not only mean that people highly involved at the event
> will unable to participate, but also that it will not be Israeli FSD in
> that date.
> I don't know how the desition was made. I wrote then about moving it on
> to a later date( September 30th) and I waiting for an answer.
> It colud be of great support if other people contact them also.


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