I would suggest not to mess with fonts, as for most usages it already has
good choices for every operating system and browser. You can instead specify
font-family:sans-serif, as serif fonts are never looking good on screens
(but ideal for prints).

If you are very geeky, you can load fonts fronts from the stylesheet itself,
so you can show culmus fonts for Windows, as well as any other chosen font.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 21:46, Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not a Linux question, but probably relevant for some people here.
> I'm working on a Hebrew website [1] and although it looks great in
> Firefox, Opera and Chrome on Linux, IE on Windows diplays terrible,
> terrible fonts. Which fonts should I specify in the CSS, ones that I
> can trust look decent and are installed on default Windows
> installations? I could probably just look at the code for Walla or
> TheMarker, but I figure that I would get a better answer here. Thanks.
> [1] http://tikun-mekarerim.co.il

Tomer Cohen
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