> I'll bite. What this thread asks is not how to redistribute these films for 
> free or for pay [FreeDist], but rather how to legitimately view them on Linux 
> while fully respecting the copyrights. Apparently, the TAU workers did not do 
> enough work to ensure portability and interoperability for 
> non-Microsoft-based 
> operating systems, and the people who asked here want to find a good 
> workaround. This thread is entirely due to their lack of ability (or because 
> they did not care enough), and it should be expected given that people use 
> Linux and want to view the lectures there, which is within their rights as 
> TAU 
> students. 
> That may not be a bad thing, because it gives publicity to the university, 
> and 
> allows other people to enjoy your content. See:
> * http://remix.lessig.org/
> * http://ocw.mit.edu/ (OpenCourseWare).
Yes, but TAUs policy on copyright is not on discussion, nor am I
authorized to
change it.

> These internal means likely take time, as many people who have tried to 
> contact the operators of web-sites that do not function in non-MSIE-browsers 
> can attest to. In the meanwhile, people would need some Linux-specific 
> workarounds, which would not be needed if the TAU staff cared enough about 
> checking that. You reap what you sow.
I do not like prejudice. The only way to fix TAU issues is via the help
desk. Trust me,
we're not your usual Joe ISP. We are a strong Unix/Linux shop, and most
of our
applications, especially web apps, are based on open source.

-- Ariel
 Ariel Biener
 e-mail: ar...@post.tau.ac.il
 PGP: http://www.tau.ac.il/~ariel/pgp.html

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