> First and foremost I think that you don't understand my question.
> I'll emphasize it again.
> I'm NOT interested in a way to access the TAU videos without username
> and password.
> I AM interested in a way to access the TAU videos WITH my [1]
> legitimate username and password, from a Linux system. Which means, in
> the bottom line, using mplayer or VLC.
> That is, the point about distributing the mms:// links is not valid
> for my question. The mms:// shouldn't help you if you don't have
> username and password for the videos site in the TAU. The mms links
> should be password protected.
I understood you quite fine. I wasn't referring to you in my replies,
but to those who answered.
> However, no authentication request prompted when I fed the link to vlc
> or mplayer. Maybe they just don't support authenticated mms links
> correctly. What probably happened is, there was no good way to
> authenticate the mms:// links in the server, so they used a hacky way
> which happens to work for WMP only.
No. As I said, it will work from ANY browser, but it requires your
player to be a browser plugin,
and not a standalone player (that is the way it works at the moment).
> It might be that the TAU want people to access their content
> exclusively with WMP. I'm not sure if they can legally enforce that
> (I'm pretty sure viewing copyrighted material with a player not
> authorized by the rights owner is considered fair use, but maybe they
> can say "hey, student! If you're accessing our videos in our website
> you must use WMP, otherwise stay out", and it would be something like
> HASAGAT GVUL to use that from linux).
Oh please.

> About your second point. I was always disappointed when using the
> official support channel for linux support. Usually the answer is "we
> don't support linux". The linux support you get at Linux-IL, is
> actually much better than the official channel.
As I already said on the previous mail, your prejudice here is uncalled
for. I really don't care what
"usual" reply you get when you call X ISP or whomever. Use TAU HelpDesk.
Have your
friend open a ticket, the link is: h t t p : / / h e l p d e s k . t a u
. a c . i l
Have your friend login with his/her user/password, and help him/her fill
in the request.


-- Ariel
 Ariel Biener
 e-mail: ar...@post.tau.ac.il
 PGP: http://www.tau.ac.il/~ariel/pgp.html

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