On Sunday 06 Jun 2010 17:05:20 Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> I rarely write e-mails in Hebrew, but my wife does.
> Yesterday, I upgraded her Mandriva 2007 to 2010.0 (and installed all
> updated RPMs) and she now has a problem with Hebrew e-mail. The font,
> encoding, direction etc all seem OK, but punctuation marks appear in the
> wrong place. For example, a comma at he end of a line appears at the
> beginning. I have no way to check, but my wife says this was not a problem
> in 2007.
> I checked and saw that this happens to my 2010.0 also. Can anyone suggest a
> solution - perhaps some setting that I've overlooked?

What is you mailer?

If it's KMail, then you need to switch the direction of writing the email 
using Ctrl+Shift. Also see that the Bidi functionality is enabled in qtconfig.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Optimising Code for Speed - http://shlom.in/optimise

God considered inflicting XSLT as the tenth plague of Egypt, but then
decided against it because he thought it would be too evil.

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