On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Amos Shapira <amos.shap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Anyway, I'm sure that some people on this list can provide several ways
> > to track my data, including listening to my keyboard :)
> Speaking of which - I was wondering about this when I saw the lecture
> announcement (couldn't make it - it was too short a notice for me to
> catch a flight from home :) and would be curios of the presenter or
> attendees know the answers:
Hi Amos,

The paper presented at that Haifux talk is available at:

The authors tested several scenarios (secluded room, room with many
computers, flat and even listening from the basement, which worked
surprisingly well). They can tell keyboards from one another. They suggested
counter-measures which were too expensive to be considered by manufacturers,
but maybe they can be deployed by private people.

If you liked this work, you may be interested in Eran Tromer's research
regarding side channel attacks using cache.


> 1. What sort of barriers were tested?
> 2. Are there any practical counter-measures that can/should be employed?
> Cheers,
> --Amos
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