On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 21:03 +0300, Elazar Leibovich wrote:
> I really don't understand what you're saying.
> What makes you think all Linux-IL'er would think like you do? Usually
> in a technical crowd there are variety of opinions on technical
> topics.



The subject of whether Windows is secure or not is **wildly** OT in the
context of "Common problems with Ubuntu", let alone the fact that it has
nothing to do with the main theme of the Linux-IL mailing list - read:
helping Linux users in Israel.

Whether I, or anyone else, could be persuaded that each and every MS
product has "security" written all over it is irrelevant.

There's nothing wrong in arguing the merits of Windows as a secure
platform (though I doubt that we'll even agree on what security means) -
but this should be done in the proper settings. (Read: Not in this
mailing list)

- Gilboa

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