On Tue, May 25, 2010, Ron Varburg wrote about "RE: Hebrew calendar software 
creators: can you notify this list when updating the calendar?":
> I intend to file the following report.  Any comments?

I still believe that the whole approach of having holidays of a single year
(it doesn't matter if 2007 or 2010) is wrong. It not only means that the
distro needs to update this list every year, it also means that you can't
find out when next year's holidays are (and sometimes "next year" could be
next month).

So I'd look for a way to somehow use a "calendar.judaic" file which contains
holidays for multiple years (I have no idea if that's possible).

If you absolutely can't, I have another idea: Instead of putting a fixed file
for 2010 in the distro, and have the distro update it in 2011, why not have
the distro include the *script*, which will be run automatically once a year
via a cron job? (which would make it the rarest-running cron-job in history


Nadav Har'El                        |      Tuesday, May 25 2010, 13 Sivan 5770
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |The two most common elements in the
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

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