On Monday (TOMORROW), May 24th at 18:30, Haifux will gather to hear Dotan
Cohen discuss:

   KDE 4 - the good, the bad, and the broken


KDE was developed to give Unix applications a common look and feel. From
1996 to 2007 the desktop environment saw many improvements and changes. In
January 2008 a rewrite of the entire desktop environment and many of it's
core applications was performed. The rewrite, called KDE 4, led to a
dramatic change in KDE's stance. Once noted for its configurablity, KDE 4
had significantly fewer options than previous KDE versions. Core
applications and the desktop environment itself were missing critical
features. Crashes were common. One year later KDE 4.2 was introduced,
promising to address all these issues. Additionally, several innovative
technologies were introduced then. In this talk we will examine KDE 4.4 and
concentrate on one innovative feature (the Good), one questionable design
decision (the Bad), and one critical bug (the Broken).

Future talks include:

07/06/10 The Ben Yehuda Project Software - Asaf Bartov
21/06/10 A GAP TO BE FILLED!
05/07/10 GarlicSim: An experimental tool for computer simulations - Ram
13/09/10 Secure File Systems: Orr Dunkelman

(The gap between the lectures is intended for YOU to lecture about something

We meet in Taub building, room 6. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!
Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda.
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