On Thu, Mar 04, 2010, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote about "Re: XMoveWindow()":
> > i have two displays i want one to be a copy of the other, so when i move a
> > window on one display, i want it to move to the same position in the other.
> If you want to allow different WMs on the two screens I doubt it can
> work the way I understand your requirements

This is a very good point. If the two displays have a different window
manager, they can also have different title heights, border width, and so on,
and at which point it isn't clear why you are convinced that you want to
position the top-left corner of the "client" window on the same x,y position
on both, rather than position the top-left corner of the parent (border) on
the same position. Both sound logical to some degree, so why not try doing
the second (as Shachar explained)?

It's at least worth a try. The Window Manager might still dislike what you're
doing (after all, it's *its* job to move around windows, not any arbitrary
client should do such things), but I believe it should work.


Nadav Har'El                        |      Thursday, Mar  4 2010, 18 Adar 5770
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
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