Dan Shimshoni wrote:

  Thanks , Gilad, I was not aware of that is was missing Ethernet.
Ethernet is a must for me. I found out now that there is also no
wireless in BeagleBoard.  Is it also a disadvantage.

I found that the BeagleBoard price (150$) is quite attractive
comparing to other boards.

One easy solution is to get a Beagleboard and add Ethernet and/or wireless via USB dongles. I think it is the cheapest solution.
I found it very useful, maybe you too:

Check them out: http://www.variscite.com/

Thanks for this link.
I must add that I am quite a newbie in this. I saw in their homepage
a variety of products. Any idea if I should look for
similar board to the Beagle (same SoC) in their evaluation kits
section (like VAR-DVK-OM35, VAR-DVK-MX25 and the rest) or
Single Board Computers (like VAR-OM35) or maybe
System on Modules ?

you would need some thing like this: http://www.variscite.com/varomap35DVK.html

Note, however, that it is more expensive then a beagle board by an order of a magnitude. Also, there is naturally hardly any material about this specific board as opposed to the beagle. Much of the beagle material applies here as well, but obviously not the parts about the peripherals that are not included in the beagle.

Good luck,

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:58 PM, Gilad Ben Yossef <gi...@codefidence.com> wrote:
Dan Shimshoni wrote:
As you know, BeagleBoard can run Linux.


Does somebody know where it can be bought in Israel?

There is a company in Herzeliya Pituch  that sells a very similar board to
the Beagle (same SoC) that also has some much needed peripheral the Beagle
is missing, such as Ethernet, touch screen and HDMI port.

I found it very useful, maybe you too:

Check them out: http://www.variscite.com/

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Gilad Ben-Yossef
Chief Coffee Drinker & CTO
Codefidence Ltd.

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