I am an ex-worker from Affordy, so of course I am retroactively bribed,
but I can try and help out here.
(I'll check if its a advert, I hope not, when I was there they did
spam-post against my recommendation, and got busted in ubuntu-il

The distro is built to have the look and feel of windows. They actually
sell it to non-computer-literate users, that never know its not windows.
Users keep calling back for support, so we know they don't just throw it
away (I got questions like how to take out a CD from a laptop tray,
funny stuff). To me its a solid proof that Linux is ready for the

You are right that its Ubuntu-based. We mostly worked so things that
usually don't work out of the box will to. Samba, pre-installed stuff,
one click upgrades, DVD codecs - and yes, IE666. The reason is some
companies refused to look at the product without IE installed (I have
names but I will not post here).
IE4linux has a one-click install there, you have to agree you have some
kind of windows license (coded the python myself). I know that they do
sit close to law people about this stuff, but I was not a part of it, I
did the hacking. I have a cool picture of an exact replica of windows 7
they did, but can't sell, hope to blog about it when uni tests end.

If its a good Distro: well of course I'll say 'yes', because I coded it,
and there are a few things there we contributed back - we killed a few
bugs in Evolution that were there years. and even pushed for the 5 year
old Bug RTL bug in wine: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735 (I
still think users should bug ISOC to pay Lingnu to fix it in their "kol

However by definition I'd say most readers here would do just the same
with Ubuntu. Titan more of an OS for you grandma, since it also comes
with paid support.
They are also working with another project I worked on when I quit
( http://www.beityatziv.co.il/he/Thinking-and-Computers ). If you were
in Auguest penguin 2009, the OLPC program we did here is not using
Affordy netbooks.

There is one (critical) thing I see there as a downside, something I
personally coded. Titan has a lock on it. If you don't enter a register
number after 15 runs or so you system becomes locked. So you must pay
for it. It will come free on the netbooks they sell, but you will need
to buy a "code release" if you want just the software.

Hope this helps, please bug me back if you want, because I stand by my

Guy Sheffer
Ex-Affordy worker
aka Jerusalem Linux Club

On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 19:48 +0200, Michael Vasiliev wrote:
> Well, judging from their promo video, it seems to me like a rebranded
> Ubuntu (with some of the branding still in place) with rearranged
> order of the items in the Gnome menu which now has "Start" written
> next to it in an ugly font. Other than that, there is a dialog-based
> menu leading to an existing Ubuntu functionality. I've yet to see
> anything there really developed by Affordy, Ltd. Another
> dissapointment for the Windows user, I'm afraid. I doubt that anyone
> but the users with the most basic demands will be satisfied. There is
> a false impression that windows applications will work, while in
> reality, most of them will not. IE6? Give me a break! Other than being
> incompatible with anything but sites specifically "written for IE6",
> shall I say that selling an IE 6.0 bundle installed through ies4linux
> is quite questionable. I thought that trick required owning an MS
> Windows licence, at least from a legal perspective.
> http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Legal_notices
> I wonder if Microsoft knows?
> On 10/02/2010 09:54, mbrace7for...@aim.com wrote: 
> > Titen Lev http://www.affordy.com/
> > 
> > 
> > Has anyone installed the Distro? I saw the link in linux weekly 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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